

星新一ショートショート『On a Dim Planet』英単語


 1. It was as if someone had scattered an infinite number of jewels onto a sheet of black glass and frozen them in place.

2. On this planet, coldness and dusk continued into perpetuity.

3. In the heavy gas that lingered just above the surface of the planet, a hint of something started to squirm.

4. The words dissipated into the thick, gaseous atmosphere.
5. After a few moments, a hoarse voice answered back from not so far away.
6. A rust-colored silhouette fell slowly in the gloom.
7. It made a muffled metallic sound.
8. They say there's no safe place on that planet for people to dump us worn-out robots.
9. They're worried that someone might extract their secrets from the robots on the way to the disassembling plant.
10. They should just throw us into a hot-burning furnace and watch us melt.
11. Their atmosphere is corrosive to metal.
12. The conversation continued in monotonous.
13. It's made of an alloy that doesn't rust as easily as the others.
14. There was a lull in the conversation.
15. I bet this will get my deteriorating body moving again.
16. It managed to stumble a few creaking steps but then fell down again.
17. I'm corroding faster than I thought.
1. scatter / V   move something in different directions
    in place / Ex   right place
2. dusk / N   the time before night (the time when the sun is setting over the horizon)
    perpetuity / N   the same as forever
3. linger / V   to take a long time until disappearing (the state that something is remaining)
    hint / N   very small amount
    squirm / V   to move side to side in an awkward way, like a worm
4. dissipate / V   to steadily disappear or waste (It's similar to "Scatter" but scatter means to make an object move while dissipate means make substance move)
    gaseous / ADJ  the state of gas OR the state that the object is informative
5. hoarse / ADJ   having a unique voice which is like having sore throat
6. rust-colored / ADJ   a color which is like rust
7. muffle / V   to make sound more quiet or less clear
8. worn-out / ADJ   the state that something can no longer be used because it's already been damaged by continued use
9. extract / V   to take teeth, information or knowledge out
10. furnace / N   a container which is used to make metal or substance like that burn with very high temperature
11. corrosive / ADJ  the state that something is rotting by chemical action
12. in monotonous / Ex   no emotion, like boring 
13. alloy / N   a metal that is made by mixing two or more metals, or a metal and another substance
14. lull / N   a short period of calm before something happens OR V   to make someone especially babies feel sleepy OR to make wind or rain calm OR to make pain feel less 
15. deteriorate / V   to make something worse
16. creaking / V   to make a long and high sound when a door or floorboard moves
17. corrode / V   to be fragile because of rain or water