

星新一ショートショート『A Visitor』英単語 1/2


 1. A disk-shaped object appeared in the blue sky and glistened in the sun.

2. It slowly descended on the grassy field of a suburban area.

3. Maybe we should call an observatory(発音注意).

4. The crowd was growing frantic.

5. It must've traveled by that flying saucer thing.

6. Whenever they encountered a stranger, therefore, their ingrained collective consciousness told them to consider him an invader.

7. Aiming their rader directly at the alien,they readied their flamethrowers and missiles and waited for the order to strike.

8. It seemed that their leaders were hung up in deliberation about how to proceed.

9. Clearly this is a trespasser.

10. This could be a piece envoy.

11. I say we call off the attack and lift the siege.

12. It is essential that we treat this matter with utmost care.

13. If we attack, they may decide to send a whole army in retaliation.

14. This very Earthling-like opinion appeal to the majority of the people.

15. A competent diplomat that was issued forth to speak with the alien and while the military remained on high alert.




1. disk-shaped / ADJ   a circular object that looks like a disc


glisten / V   to shine by reflecting lights from glass or wet and smooth surface


2. grassy / ADJ   all covered with grass


suburban / ADJ   the area where is on the edge of large city where people often gather to work


3. observatory / N   a building which scientists or forecasters use to observe planets, stars or weather


4. frantic / ADJ   the state that is almost out of control because of the extreme excitment or anxiety


5. saucer / N   a thing which the shape is like a small plate that is belong to a cup


6. ingrain / V   to make someone plant custom oe beliefe by force


7. ready / V   to prepare


flamethrower / N   a kind of occupation which aim is to help people from burning buildings


8. hung up / ADJ   to hesitate to do something


deliberation / N   consider or discuss thoroughly


9. trespasser / N   a person who goes onto someone's house with no permission. It's a sort of criminal


10. envoy / V   a person who is sent as reprentative from his/her government or organization.

Ambassador is the on top, this is next.


11. siege / N   an inner area where is surrounded by an armed force, normally enemy or police officer


12. utmost / ADJ   it's used to emphasize how extremely effective something is


13. retaliation / to revenge 


14. earthling / N   you use this word to express "Human being" in stories


15. competent / ADJ   the state that is quarified, like have knowledge or cerificate to do the job or something
